Sometimes, the emotion that hits me is shock. Going along, everything is fine, and then I go to do something that seems normal, like telling my son he needs to go to bed, but I am made aware that nothing is normal right now. My son has no real reason to go to bed, except for the fact that I don't want him to get used to staying up all night. Even though his school, like so many others, has shut down for 6 weeks, I hope he is going to go back to school sometime! And none of us have any reason to go to bed, because work is only from home, if at all, as we are under a "stay at home" order. And I think to myself, "Is this really my life right now?" I just can't believe it. How did everything change so much, so quickly?
In case you are reading this sometime in the future, we are dealing with the COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic. In a mere one month, I have seen things happen and changes take place that I never would have ever dreamed were possible. Schools shut down, businesses like restaurants, gyms, theaters and more all forced to close. Public parks and spaces closed. People panic buying all the household goods out of every store around. No gathering of more than 10 people allowed. Birthday parties, graduations, weddings, funerals, even gathering at church, all illegal. If you had told me a month ago that this much would change this fast, I wouldn't have believed you. And yet, here we are.
So, if what seemed impossible a month ago, is not only possible but unfolding right in front of our eyes, what does this mean for our faith? Faith tells me that God can do the impossible, for nothing is impossible with God! What are those things you haven't even bothered to pray about, because you think they can never change? Those people or situations that seem "too far gone" and yet, there is a seed of faith inside of you that wonders... what if? What if that person's life could be turned totally around? What if that sickness could be healed? What if that relationship could be restored? What if those tormenting thoughts could be banished forever? What if that addiction could be totally broken? What if fear could be completely gone? What if there was no longer any debt? What if that business could be amazingly successful? What if a large portion of our community came to Christ? What if people didn't "play church" but became radical followers of Christ? What if [insert dream] really did come true?
I challenge you right now to look at the world around you & realize that God is more powerful than a pandemic! As we pray for an end to this virus, imagine how much of your life and the lives of those around you could change if we began to pray and ask God for more! Let shock point you back to the God of all the universe. Let your eyes remind your faith: nothing is impossible. Dust off your dreams, fire up your faith, and begin to believe. Ask God to reignite your heart and give you new dreams to ask him for. Stop trying to figure out what God can or can't do. If we only ask God for what is "possible" then we have put him in far too small of a box. Bring to God everything and everyone on your heart and believe for the miracles you need. Keep praying, keep believing, and you will be amazed at what God does.
God Bless You,
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